It had been eight years, and you reunited for one hour.
But now I believe you were pretending. You pretended you couldn't wait to end the meeting. You pretended that you couldn't care less about all his emotions and what he had to say after all these years. You pretended that your long lost love does not leave any mark on you. You pretended that you had long forgotten the anger, disaapointment and pain from his betrayal.
Written on 30 May 2023:
妳用黑色的眼睛在黑夜中看我 我聽不到海浪的聲音
還記得嗎 年輕的我們面對面坐著
還記得嗎 你說,一切的一切
還記得嗎 你說要再見我
可妳不會這麼問 妳用黑色的眼睛在黑夜中看我
妳用潔白的羽毛 在暴風裡穿行 妳一頭扎進深海裡