Watched Shoplifters last night. Woke up from a dream this morning. In the dream, I slep in the apparment where I grow up. My uncle - he was a uni professor in a metropolis and was respected by the whole family - was watching TV in the living room. Mom was cooked omelette and woke me up. I went to the kitchen and Mom had me have most of the omelette. She somehow made the rest of it - a tiny peace of omelette - a new delicate cuisine and then served my uncle. Then I approached my uncle, with my mom watching. "Uncle, what's the size of your omelette?" I asked. He said "tiny" with a gesture as in the Megalia logo. Then I demostrated how I split the omelette into nine pieces and how Mom forced me to eat most of them. Then my step father came, he and my uncle started to looking for the lid for a bottle of wine. I endup outcry at Mom "你很不堪". I woke up, thinking, in one of letter from Lucy, she said "想起你,让我感到不堪".
不堪: 承受不了, 也可以表示坏到极深的程度. We want the person we love to be perfect, if not, then at least their behaviour to be accepted by society. We want approval from others, not just for ourself's existing, but also for our love. As a result, if we sense a low moral standard from our loved ones, we feel ashamed.
I wonder if that's why Shota got caught on purpose. It can't be out of the willingness to protect Yuri - when the family broke, Yuri went back to her abusive parents as the ending of the movie showed.
- Previous: There's Still Tomorrow
- Next: A dream