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The Alchemist

A movie and three dreams

Watched Nocturnal Animals on Netflix. What the movie is trying to say is simple and straightforward: if she was not a materialist, a narcissist or a sexist, we could be happily living together with our daughter. Anti-materialism is not weak. What makes him weak is the fear of loneliness - as it is in all relationships, otherwise why not just let her go? But I doubt if the director sees it this way - they seem to be more inclined to accuse her of being a materialist. In the first scene of the movie, the ugly naked female body is Susan's reflection of herself - she was aware of becoming her mom but she could not resist. In the last scene, Edward didn't show up, as though he has became strong enough to let her go. But seriously, contacted Susan after all these years and not showing up? That's just impolite and immature. So yeah, 7.2/10 from IMDB was fair.

A dream in the morning of Aug 27th:

Grandma passed away. DongE and Mom had to go out of town to do something, so they asked me and another person to take turns to take care of Grandma's body. So I went to Grandma's house in the evening. Nobody was there. I saw white bugs come out of her body. There was something in her forehead and cheek. I tried to find out with a pen. Her forehead was soft and vulnerable. The pen went through and dug two holes. More and more white bugs went out from everywhere on her body. Suddenly I found myself not alone, a middle-aged white woman was looting the house. She broke a glass closet on the wall against the main door. I went to confront her. She cursed and left. And then another intruder, still a white female, broke in from the kitchen windows. Then I realised the house had become a looting site in the neighbourhood. I was yelling and the second intruder left.

I lived with Grandma for a while in that house for a while. I felt insecure living there.

A dream in the morning of Sep 2nd:

Was going to visit some relatives with Wen. We are in a house that I'm not familiar with - when I woke up I couldn't figure out what house was that. Wen was sad, telling me that I didn't take him as a real dad. Then we needed to take off. I felt something was urgent - that I had to tell Wen how I felt immediately. But I knew I would cry telling him this, so when we came to a house in the neighbour - as if it was DeHe's Chinese traditional medicine store. I was about to tell Wen something and woke up.

A few days later after this dream, I was thinking about Wen's personality and was pround of his values. He was a good educator and uncorrupted official who valued integraty other than machiavellianism which is rare in his age - and my age - in China.

A dream in the morning of Sep 3rd:

I had one of lower teeth fallen out. Then the one bisides it losen and fallen out. And one by one, all lower teeth fell out. I was telling Mum the situation and feeling regret that I didn't have teeth insurance - it would cost futurne to get so many implant dentures.

This dream happened in the morning when I wore my retainer for the night after not wearing it for weeks. I wonder if the exfoliation of deciduous teeth leave a lot in my unconscious mind.