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The Alchemist


Had a dream in the morning.

Me and my cousin in bed, like we did when we were young in summer holidays. I asked him why there was a pattern in the centre of his chest - a circle inside a rectangle. The patterns are very geometrically precise, with a mechanical texture.

He murmured something but didn’t give me a straight answer.

At that point he got up to bathroom to wash his face I think; there were grown ups around in the house.

I went to bathroom with him, asked about the pattern again - "is that an amulet?"

He chuckled: "it's a tamponlet (卫生符 - the dream was in Chinese)". I started: "a tamponlet? Is it an amulet with a shape of a tampon, or a tampon with a shape of amulet?" He cackled, and me too.

A few seconds later I asked him if it was a scar from a surgery, and then woke up without an answer.